
Solutions for CEOs

How would it feel waking up to 3-5 leads
per week?

Wake up to 3-5 qualified
leads every week!

There are 2 new experts showing up in your
field as you read this. Which means you
need to find a way to stand out.

But standing out is not enough.

It has to be supported by:

No matter how much content you write, more must be done. Not to mention - networking - which takes the most time.

And the more you think about it - the more you want to put it aside.

Which places you at the crossroads between ‘My Goals’ and ‘Some Other Time’.

And, time is not your friend.

Now imagine waking up
to 3-5 leads per week

Your content library is fully stacked with strategically written content.

There’s plenty of time to grow your business, without a content-induced migraine.

Peers start approaching you for collaborations.

And the number of clients grows every day.

Sounds too good to be true?

Find out for yourself

Generate ROI even while you sleep

Millions of CEOs are trying to build an authority every day.

But without a clear strategy and an outlined goal - it all sounds ordinary.

To get extraordinary results - extraordinary effort must be applied.

This is where I help with my unique approach and combination of skills.

For the last 6 years, I’ve been generating content for CEOs who simply - don’t have the time.

Making sure their business runs on enough fuel while inducing a natural flow in their content.

Perfecting the strategies so they could build authority 24/7, even while sleeping.

But hiring me means MUCH more than having a fully stacked content library.

Because that is only a tiny part of the job.

You also get:

Because your success is my mission.


That’s exactly what you can expect when hiring me. Support from the shadows, extremely good at impersonating you. The results will mimic your tone of voice and style of writing.
But with a specific goal of turning you into the authority of your niche.

I get it; budget concerns are real. But the right ghostwriter can be a game-changer for your business, which is why you should look at it as an investment and not an expense.
An investment that will triple your ROI in less than 90 days.

Don’t worry; you’re the captain of this ship. As your ghostwriter, I’ll work my magic behind the scenes, and you’ll reap ALL the rewards. You’re holding the ropes, and I am in the backstage – making sure everything runs smoothly.

Amen to that! You don’t want generic; you want remarkable. Extraordinary.
This is where I help in generating content specific to you. Just like having a tailor for your thoughts ensuring they fit your message perfectly.

I understand where the concern comes from. Too many ghostwriters use the same frameworks and templates which makes all the content look and sound the same.
Who needs that? That’s why your best bet is someone who’s been diving head-first into countless industries for the last 6 years.
*With the right ghostwriter, you can have your cake (brilliant content) and eat it too (keep your voice and control).

Just take a look at what some of
the legends I worked with said:

Content Catalyst

Igniting your content strategy

from €3,999 per month

Content Catalyst

Igniting your content strategy

from €1,299 per month

For Entrepreneurs who need help with one type of content (blogs, emails, newsletters, socials or product descriptions)

Content Kickstart

A budget-friendly entry point for those exploring content solutions.

from €499 per month

Multiply Income Streams with my Copy-Ghost Combination of Skills

First, let’s meet.

During the discovery call, we will determine the best content angle based on your goals.

A painless process of me cherry-picking your answers and listening to what you really want to say.

Without holding back any information, I’ll tell you exactly what brings the desired results. And how I would do it if I were you.

Backing it all up with real-life success examples from my 6-year experience.

It might sound like a huge LIE, but it’s the reality I’ve witnessed time and time again.

Experts going from - I’ve no idea what to expect - to - How do you do it, Stella?

From - I’ve nothing to say - to - When can we get my stories published?

Because I amplify your message with unique Copywriting and Ghostwriting techniques in YOUR VOICE.

Hiring me can only help you

It’'s not just about writing; it's about building a foundation for the long-term game.

While I’m shaping you up into an expert your audience desperately needs, you continue developing your business further.

I’ll deliver game-changing content with no hacks, no secret systems that confuse you further, and none of that nonsense.

Only a unique viewpoint and solutions to problems many would miss.

I’m Stella Šakić and I’m giving you a unique opportunity to “use and abuse” the skills I’ve honed by writing for different industries for more than 6 years.

Combining copywriting and ghostwriting into a powerful ROI-generating machine

Turn Your Ideas into
Income Streams with
my Copy-Ghost
Combination of Skills

5 Steps to
Linkedin Authority

(in less than 10 weeks)